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Does VigRX work?

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Does VigRX work?
It’s hard for us to say that VigRX will work for most men or that it will provide no positive effect. There just isn’t enough clinical evidence in humans that these ingredients at these doses will make a meaningful difference in men’s sexual health. That said, if your issues in the bedroom stem from multiple sources, you might be able to use VigRX Plus as part of a multi-pronged approach to addressing the problem.
VigRX Plus won’t serve as a complete remedy for any of those issues, but combined with improved diet and exercise, talk therapy, and other lifestyle changes, it could function as a supplemental aid. (Just keep in mind, as far as supplemental aids go, this one is more expensive than others you could consider.)To get more news about vigrx plus pills, you can visit official website.

Clinical study results from VigRX Plus
In 2010 VigRX’s parent company commissioned a clinical study on 75 men between the ages of 25 and 50.² The study relied on the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) standards as a measure of success. That questionnaire covers overall erectile function, orgasmic function, sexual desire, intercourse satisfaction, and overall satisfaction. The study employed other questionnaires in conjunction with this one to help round out the survey data; those included the Erectile Dysfunction Inventory and Treatment Satisfaction (EDITS). Researchers examined semen parameters and measured serum testosterone, as well.
One group of men took an enhanced dose of the supplement for 84 days (twice the recommended dose of two capsules a day for a total of four capsules), while another group took a placebo. As a triple-blind, placebo-controlled study, the participants, the experimenters overseeing the study, and the researchers analyzing the data were all ignorant of who took what.

All men in the study were heterosexual, in monogamous relationships, and reported mild-to-moderate erectile dysfunction but were otherwise healthy. None of the subjects had any known underlying condition that would adversely affect their sexual health.

The study showed VigRX to be relatively safe, with incidents of side effects no higher in the VigRX group than in the placebo group. This is noteworthy because, as described above, the men in the test group received higher doses of many VigRX Plus ingredients, as compared to consumers today. Men in both groups experienced fever, but two men in the VigRX group reported a sticky discharge accompanying their urine by day 84. A correlation between this effect and VigRX was not established.
Overall erectile function improved by 56%. 90% of the participants wanted to continue with treatment after the study.

These look like pretty promising results, but there are major caveats to the study. One red flag is that Leading Edge Health, the company that makes VigRX, funded the study. There’s a clear statement of ethics at the top, and the triple-blind design should have shielded the study from too much bias. Perhaps more importantly, the study also used a population that was too small to draw any statistically significant conclusions.

But the biggest problem with the study is the difference in the doses provided to participants and the doses sold to the general public. Study participants received between two and eight times the dose strength of what you see on the back of the box. That doesn’t quite bring the doses of individual components in line with what researchers use when studying them in isolation, but the combination of those higher doses would have a greater chance of efficacy than the dose levels in VigRX Plus.

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