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World of Warcraft: 5 Reasons Classic Is More Fun

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World of Warcraft: 5 Reasons Classic Is More Fun

The original World of Warcraft expansion has finally returned, and, with it, a large portion of the Battle For Azeroth's populous have left the retail servers to return to the game they fell in love with 15 years ago.To get more news about Buy WoW 10.0 Gold, you can visit official website.

Whether it's pure nostalgia that drove the players back to the first expansion or if it's truly better than anything Blizzard currently offers, only time will tell. But, with the entire WoW player-base polarized between the two expansions, any new player may be faced with a difficult decision when choosing "the right" expansion to start their journey in. To make that decision a bit easier, we've decided to sum up the strengths and weaknesses of each. Enjoy!
Battle for Azeroth has spoiled players with the frequency and ease with which gear is obtained. Not only that, but, with world mobs being so weak and questing losing its challenge component, you no longer feel that you need that gear upgrade. Epic gear has become something merely you pick up along the way.

At the level cap, epic items drop constantly, eventually making you completely indifferent to them. Even when you finally do get that best-in-slot item that you've been hoping for, you still have to count on it being a Titanforge item for it to be any kind of an upgrade.

Things are vastly different in Classic. Gear drops way less frequently, and seeing a green or blue item drop feels so much better than any epic in BFA. If, by any chance, it's a bind-on-equip item that you don't need, you'll be ecstatic for the fact that selling it in the auction house will earn you that gold you've been needing so much. Needless to say, obtaining an epic item for your class in Classic raid is a feeling you'll almost never get in BFA, unfortunately.
Classic fans can't negate the fact that Battle for Azeroth, with 15 years of development behind it, has the largest and richest pool of quests, areas, and dungeons to explore. This fact alone may deter a large populous of players from logging onto Classic.

Not only that, but the entire world has been remastered with updated graphics and packed with interesting structures, NPCs, and side quests that provide a rich insight into the lore or simply tell captivating stories.Azeroth in Classic is only a fraction of the size of the updated world in BFA, yet it feels larger and more daunting than ever. Why? Well, unlike in BFA, which is littered by teleportation stones, dungeon finders, swift flying mounts, and portals on every corner, the only means of transportation in Classic is your trusty ground mount. That is, if you're level 20 or above and have farmed gold for days in order to be able to afford it.
Though they're not as challenging as once were, we have to give it out to blizzard for making the newer WoW dungeons extremely creative and entertaining. Leveling to 120, you'll have the opportunity to enter and complete dungeons and raids of every single expansion, which will be an experience no player should ever pass up on. The raids and dungeons of BFA continue this tradition. They're visually stunning, creative, and often with complex and entertaining strategies.

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